Broadcasted from the USA: Topical Human Platelet Extract Noninferior for Photoaging of Hands

Topical human platelet extract (HPE) performs as well as topical vitamin C for skin rejuvenation of dorsal hands, according to a study published in the November issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Saranya Wyles, M.D., Ph.D., from THE Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and colleagues conducted a prospective, longitudinal study to compare the effectiveness of topical HPE (plated) intense serum (Rion Aesthetics) with vitamin C (C E Ferulic with 15 percent L-ascorbic acid) for skin rejuvenation of dorsal hands after 12 to 26 weeks of twice-daily use. Common skin concerns related to aging were assessed with evaluations at baseline and six, 12, and 26 weeks.

Source: Advances and More licensed by HealthDay