Broadcasted from the USA: Fracture Risk Up With Prediabetes Before Menopause Transition

For women in midlife, prediabetes before the menopause transition (MT) is associated with increased risk of incident fracture during and after the transition, according to a study published online May 23 in JAMA Network Open.

Albert Shieh, M.D., from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles, and colleagues examined whether prediabetes before the MT is associated with incident fracture during MT and after menopause in a cohort study using data from an ongoing longitudinal study of the MT in diverse ambulatory women in the U.S. Data (1996 to 2018) were included for 1,690 midlife women in premenopause or early perimenopause at study inception who did not have type 2 diabetes nor took bone-beneficial medications before the MT. Mean follow up was 12 years.

Source: Advances and More licensed by HealthDay